Stop email chaos. Discover the joy of a calm Inbox

Маке your inbox calm in just minutes

Learn how to keep your inbox always clean and organized! Quickly spot the important emails that need your attention and set up automation to handle new emails for you. Cut your email time down by 30%. No tech skills required — simple yet effective strategies that anyone can implement!


The personal journey that Inspired this handbook

Feeling Overwhelmed? You're Not Alone.Hi there, I’m Iliyan 👋I work on a business observability solution for 9-figure eCommerce brands, where I help ensure all systems run smoothly. If something goes wrong, it can lead to huge financial losses and damage to a brand’s reputation—all within minutes.My inbox is like a wild, out-of-control beast - Inbox (10 043+). Every day, I’m bombarded with over a hundred emails. Not just simple messages, but urgent alerts, project updates, and crucial communications. The stress that comes with that?Let’s just say it’s exhausting 😮💨.Can you relate?The worry that if you miss just one critical email, it could spell disaster? That’s my reality, and it’s a heavy weight to carry 🏋️.The Daily StruggleEach morning, I sit down with my coffee, ready to tackle the day. But as soon as I open my inbox, I feel a rush of anxiety. Hundreds of unread emails stare back at me, and the pressure starts to build. What if I overlook something important? What if I miss a system alert that could cost a brand thousands? 💸Then, one day, I had a breakthrough. I decided to rethink my approach. I started experimenting with a few simple strategies to bring order back to my inbox. I focused on creating a clear system for managing emails that separated the important from the rest. 📥Slowly but surely, my inbox transformed. No longer did I feel like I was drowning in stress. Now, I could handle each email with purpose and clarity, confident in knowing that I wouldn’t miss anything critical. 😌

Introducing The Calm Inbox HandbookInspired by my own journey, I created The Calm Inbox Handbook—a guide designed to help you take control of your email chaos.In this handbook, you’ll find easy-to-follow strategies and tips that can turn your overwhelming inbox into a calm, organized space. It’s not just about cleaning up your email; it’s about reclaiming your time and your peace of mind. 🪷Imagine starting your day without the cloud of stress hanging over you—a clear inbox, focused thoughts, and the confidence that you can handle whatever comes your way.Are you ready to ditch the chaos and embrace calm?Get the handbook 👇


Iliyan, a seasoned software programmer. With 8 years of experience in the dynamic world of software development, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of various technologies and crafting solutions that make a real impact.P.S Connect with me via LinkedIn down below and let's have a nice friendly chat. (:

Calm Inbox

Created by @Iliyan Slavov